Making Gumbo

Psychology Club Howl

    So, I had made a promise to the Psychology Club.  I promised them that when I had copies of “Howl of the Wolf” in hand, I would come back to a meeting and give copies to the people “…in attendance at the meeting tonight.”  I was very clear about this. 

     “All of you who are here tonight,” I said, “I will give you a copy.  But that’s our secret, just the people who are here tonight.  So when I have them, I’ll let Heather (the Psych Club President) know to spread the word that Dr. Nacoste will be at the next meeting.  That will tell you I am bringing copies of the book; but just for those here tonight.  Got it!”

   All heads nodded to say, yes.  Then I went home to have some dinner.

     By late September, 2012, I had the first 1,000 copies of the book.  So I asked Heather when was the next Psychology Club meeting.  She said in two weeks, so I told her, “…ok, I’ll come to that meeting with copies of the book.”  Again, I was clear; “I’m bring copies for those who come already knowing that I am coming for that purpose.  And that’s all I’m going to do; hand out copies and then I am going home.”

     I was very clear.

     Then the week before the meeting, I saw this flyer posted all over Poe Hall; the building that houses.


     Not quite as secret as I had planned. But now there was nothing to be done except show up prepared.  You see I knew the combination of my name, with my name on a new book that I would give away free, would bring a crowd.  And it did.

     The evening of the meeting, I walked into the meeting room and it was full and students kept coming in.  Students I recognized from one or both of the undergraduate courses I teach; and students I didn’t recognize at all.

     That night I gave away 120 books.

     Not as secret as I had planned.

    And now it was on.


One Response to “Psychology Club Howl”

  1. cum 9 Says:

    Hey. Just a short comment letting you know that your post is outstandingly written. Please keep updating your blog forever :)

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